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The Embedded Muse Logo The Embedded Muse
Issue Number 380 August 19, 2019
Copyright 2019 The Ganssle Group

Editor: Jack Ganssle, jack@ganssle.com

   Jack Ganssle, Editor of The Embedded Muse

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Editor's Notes

Express Logic

Over 400 companies and more than 7000 engineers have benefited from my Better Firmware Faster seminar held on-site, at their companies. Want to crank up your productivity and decrease shipped bugs? Spend a day with me learning how to debug your development processes.

Attendees have blogged about the seminar, for example, here, here and here.

The Embedded Systems Conference will be August 27-29 in Santa Clara. I'll be giving one talk, and Jacob Beningo and I will do a "fireside chat" about how this industry has changed over the last 30 years (or more).

Jack's latest blog: Data Seems to Have No Value.

Quotes and Thoughts

The longer a defect stays in the system, the more it costs to repair. Niels Malotaux

Tools and Tips

SEGGER Embedded Studio The leading cross platform IDE

Please submit clever ideas or thoughts about tools, techniques and resources you love or hate. Here are the tool reviews submitted in the past.

Freebies and Discounts

This month's giveaway is a slightly-used (I tested it for a review) 300 MHz 4-channel (including 16 digital channels) SDS 2304X scope from Siglent that retails for about $2500.

SDS2304X scope giveaway

Enter via this link.

Single-Pixel Errors Confound AI

In Muse 372 I wrote about an article in the Communications of the ACM on metamorphic testing. The authors of that paper sent an interesting, and disturbing, letter to the editor in the August 2019 issue of that publication.

The letter briefly states how, in their testing, they found that a single-pixel change in an image can completely confuse an AI engine that had been trained to recognize an object, specifically in the domain of self-driving cars. A single-pixel change foxed the AI 24 times out of 1000 LIDAR images tested. A two-pixel change foiled the algorithm in three more images.

David Parnas replied to the letter, stating "In safety-critical applications, it is the obligation of the developers to know exactly what their product will do in all possible circumstances. Sadly, we build systems so complex and badly structured that this is rarely the case."

While I am enthusiastic about the prospects for AI, I'm remain concerned that, as conceived today, these are black boxes whose operation - transfer functions, if you will - no one understands. Some see this as a feature; after all, the brain guiding a car today is equally opaque.

One wonders if chaos theory should be merged with AI. The canonical butterfly flapping its wings in Brazil that leads to chaotic weather in North Dakota seems quite analogous to tiny pixel changes that confound the AI. Random noise guarantees pixel alterations, and it's probably impossible to test for all noise scenarios.

A (young) physicist told me that in the future he expects AI will uncover new theories about the universe without any corresponding knowledge of fundamental principles. We may learn a new e=mc2, for instance, from empirical data without ever understanding where the formula came from.

Data without insight is not science as I know it.

The light is red, but a cop is waving you through the intersection. Or, is that apparent officer really a kid bouncing a ball?

While I'm convinced these are solvable problems, since humans solve them every day, it sure seems that level 5 automation is a long way off.

More on Code Inspections v. Static Analysis

Jeff Johnson responded to Muse 379's article about code inspections and static analysis:

Although I think you gave a good response to Dan Swiger, you didn't really address the part of the discussion that hit me:
"In my experience with doing the actual peer reviews, I spent a lot more time trying to figure out what the code was supposed to be doing than finding any actual defects."

As someone who is considered one of the code review gurus in my division one of the primary things I focus on is exactly the first part of the sentence. If I cannot determine what the code is supposed to be doing either by the style of the code itself or the comments, then we already have a problem. I should be able to give the code to an intern and they should be able to understand it. So IMO the most important part of code review is making sure they are writing code that can be comprehended by other software engineers.

John Hartman wrote:

Regarding coded inspections and reviews:  in addition to finding bugs, another potential benefit is education - developers can learn from each other's style.  This is one reason it is important to include developers of varying ability and experience as reviewers.  The author of the code may not get much critique from the juniors, but the juniors can learn a lot by reading the master's code and the discussion of it.  And sometimes they can point out where the old guys aren't using new methods or, features of the language: C++ now is pretty much a new language compared to the late 1990s.

Our company used Code Collaborator, but allowed to developers to choose their reviewers.  But that made it too easy for the "gods" to name other "gods" as reviewers.  It also meant some folks ended up doing more than their share of reviews.

Harold Kraus sees a role for both:

Assuming structured simple code, compliant to MISRA, et al, code inspection is really about assessing requirements, not only checking for compliance of the code to requirements, but checking for erroneous and missing requirements. The benefit of Static Analysis is huge, especially in the automation of checks that would be error prone if done manually, but Static Analysis cannot touch the requirements.

Static Analysis v. Assertions

The comments in the previous article were about comparing the value of static analysis to code inspections. What about static analysis v. the use of assertions? Assessing the Relationship between Software Assertions and Code Quality: An Empirical Investigation by Gunnar Kudrjavets, Nachiappan Nagappan, Thomas Ball addresses this question. They looked at the efficacy of both in four projects. The first two (A-1 and A-2) were each a bit over 100 KLOC; B-1 and B-2 were each about 370 KLOC. So these were not those ridiculous academic experiments where four sophomores generated a little code and lots of (suspect) results. They found:

Assertions vs static analysis

The authors also found that increasing the assertion density in the code led to a greatly-reduced bug rate.

The moral: Never rely on a single tool or process for finding errors in the code. Inspections are very effective. Static analysis is very effective. Assertions are very effective. Combined, expect far fewer shipped defects.

This Week's Cool Product

Not really a product, but cool nonetheless: Analog Devices' Analog Dialog is a free e-magazine that always has something of interest. We embedded people must interface to the real world, so analog circuits are very important (and analog design is a lot of fun, and challenging in a very different way from digital work). But the publication has more than that; recent issues have included articles on dealing with clock skew, over-the-air firmware updates, and much more. Sure, their components are always featured, but there's deep technical meat we can all use.

Subscribe here.

Note: This section is about something I personally find cool, interesting or important and want to pass along to readers. It is not influenced by vendors.


Let me know if you’re hiring embedded engineers. No recruiters please, and I reserve the right to edit ads to fit the format and intent of this newsletter. Please keep it to 100 words. There is no charge for a job ad.

Joke For The Week

Note: These jokes are archived here.

Last issue I ran the (apparently true) contortions needed to reboot a GE light bulb. Several readers sent a video of the process; it's more fun to watch at 2X normal speed.

Carl Farrington sent the instructions to recalibrate the gas gauge in a Prius:

1. Park the vehicle so as it is level,front to back and side to side.
2. IgOn and make sure that "Trip A " is showing on the odometer.
3. Power down.
4. Keep your foot off the brake.
5. Push in and hold down the Odo/Trip button.
6. Push the Power button twice to IgOn ( not Ready mode ).
7. Turn the Odo/Trip off then On 3 times in 5 seconds.
8. Continue holding the Odo/Trip button until a 6 digit code appears.
9. Release,then push again the Odo/Trip button for another 5 seconds. The 6 digit code will change to a 5 digit code.
10. After the middle digit,of the 5 digit code,changes to "1" release the Odo/Trip button and the odometer will return to normal reading.

About The Embedded Muse

The Embedded Muse is Jack Ganssle's newsletter. Send complaints, comments, and contributions to me at jack@ganssle.com.

The Embedded Muse is supported by The Ganssle Group, whose mission is to help embedded folks get better products to market faster.